
Today's Speacial Vinclo
What is Vinclo?
Vinclo is a social platform that provides opportunity to you to contact the businesses as restaurants, cafés in food & beverage and service sector. Vinclo is prepared according to your needs, it has a developed search engine.
You're wondering trend places in your region, or a restaurant has wireless, or where you can find your favorite food in the specified price range, you can do all of them and more, quickly and easily with Vinclo.
What you can do with Vinclo without going to the places ?
- You can check the reviews of the places such as cafes,restaurant,
- You can take a look at the photos,
- You can see the business features and payment methods,
- You can learn the opening hours and check whether open or close,
- You can learn the connections of place such as the official website, facebook, twitter, instagram, YouTube,
- You can view the contact information such as phone,adress and learn about the nearest metro, taxi, bus stop and sea pier to place, view map and learn about the GPS coordinates of the place,
- You can view the menu of restaurant, learn about cuisines, and see what users are liked,
- You can ask questions to business on topics you want to know about the business.
After visit to restaurant
- Review to restaurants,
- Add photos,
- Evaluate,
- Like their menu,
- Add them your favorite.
Business Owners
You can create your business page by adding your business as restaurants, cafés in food & beverage and service sector to Vinclo, you can access the administration panel to very easily and quickly manage to your business page .
What this panel includes ?
- You can add your business’ name, category( restaurant, cafe etc.) , phone, address,
- You can markup your business location on the Map, and inform the nearest metro, taxi, bus stop and sea pier for your customers,
- You can add your features and payment options,
- You can prepare an about text to inform your customer,
- You can add the opening hours of your business (restaurant, cafe, etc.),
- You can inform about where customers can access from others platforms such as your website, facebook, twitter, instagram, YouTube,
- You can add the menu of your restaurant and type of cuisine,
- You can answer your customers' questions.
What benefits you could get?
We know that customer satisfaction is very important for you.
Vinclo provide opportunity that you can learn who is your customer, what is your customer’s like and needs. You can communicate with your customers directly, and answer their curious questions.
If more than one business, you can manage them from a single management panel.
Adding the your business to Vinclo, you can find new customers, increase the service quality and profit.
Vinclo family’s only priority for you is that you will remember an experience with pleasure. Remember Vinclo is specially designed for you.
For everything and a bit more is Vinclo